It's the best set for the ones that don't want to update the romset all time. thanks support not just arcades but also some other platforms, the previews rom folder got renamed to arcade to match with auto-created bad, I forgot to reupload the samples from last update, it's fixed FBN it's a stable release, those type of versions takes some time to came out, are available only when a meta or a set of goals are achieved, you can find the stable versions here: If you want to keep the romset updated soon as you can, maybe you should look for other sources.
This romset its split (default), if you're looking for the full non-merged from the stable version ( ) and rebuild it with the upstream missing files, this archive will be updated when the new mame version came out, usaully take a month, but sometimes can be delayed an extra month like happened recently. Since the DAT files from fbneo libretro port are upstream, so it's normal that there are missing files, due that repository gets updated almost daily, and I only update this archive a few days after the new mame version gets released due to romset sync.

The version it's currently upstream/wip, which it's the one that it's currently been used by retroarch\libretro\retropie. The stable emulator, version can be found in it's official repository: Or through standalone emulator (Misc -> Generate Dat File).

There are 2 ways to get the DAT files, one through the libretro port: No worries about getting those files, all bios are already included on the confused about your comment, none of the file listed here have any kind of take some time to apply the changes, here it's the direct link: Personally I use the UniBIO S4.0, that way I can switch to AES or MVS on-the-fly. Upload in process, please be in the way, I only re-upload this set after each MAME sync, which in this month just did happen yesterday ( ), so the new set will be on in the next couple of days there, rebuilding the ROM set to full non-merged will work with any upstream finalburn neo port, you can switch the MVS and AES mode by choosing the proper bios in the fbneo options. You can see the last changes here: don't know, I don't have a MisterFPGA, so I couldn't test it myself, even though I wished to grab the Bonus full non-merged set it's rebuilt, fixed, verified, otherwise would be redundant to upload retroarch thumbnails only works if you import the ROMs by using the DAT file, the guide its in the follow now everything updated until the current date not a batocera user, from what I know, it uses the fbneo libretro core, maybe you can try to find a way to update it, and after that rebuild your ROM set with this DAT files: Killer Instinct 1 and 2 ROMs and HDDs were moved to the debug set due to emulation issues, it might be added to the standard build when those problems get Pavel The latest milestone release it's, now it's rolling release, the next milestone will be version, then the follow-up by rolling release If you use the latest build, you need to track the missing ROMs yourself, otherwise use the binaries available in this emulator itself is updated nearly every day, but I tend to update this archive once a GamesĬould you stop using your many accounts to (self) promote that website, which most likely you're related to it? If you want to share ROMs, at least do it through hosted content, without ads and or scammy referral versions are a bit tricky, the version that ends with an even number it's a milestone release while the odd number it's a rolling release that it's always getting updates What?!? I have no idea what you're talking course not, I only update this archive once a month while FBNeo it's updated nearly daily, don't expect me to upload the full ROM set every day. Will update the ROM set after the 12th of this month, but if you're in rush, I tend to update the full non-merged arcade set more often: mine739